Weaver never looked into those statements to verify that they were truthful. Meet the "sassy basket" with the biggest voice in country music. The Detroit PD is unwilling to tell the public why they stand by their suicide ruling. Chris Cornell released his latest solo album, "Higher Truth," back on Sept. 18. This all follows in line with what Martin reported about Vicky being angry that Chris would not answer her calls, and what Inv. Thank you for your kind words! It is clear. In the immediate months following his death, I was not yet strong enough to drive myself to dig into what I knew made NO sense. There was not a high dosage of the medication in his system, but if you combine the butalbital with the Ativan that was also in his system, the effects would be intensified. And I wont break Evil always sets out to destroy good and then tries to make the good look bad. ), Next, Martin says that they then went up to Chriss hotel room, Martin gave him 2 of his sleeping pills, and then Martin went to his own room. Martin reported that he then, kicked the door 6-7 times before it somehow popped open. Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer You flew in on the wind Was a day that I won't forget Told me to let you in And that I would not regret it But you had a touch as cool as rain And only once the weather changed Murder of blue skies I can't wait To never be with you again And I can't wait To lead a life that you're not in And I won't break Though I may bend From . Also, it only takes 2-5 minutes to throttle someone. More and more people are opening their eyes to the evils in this worldevils done by people who claim to be good. I always thought that I pride myself on patience In the Detroit News article Vicky also makes it a point to state that, We didnt fight; I was just upset that he took more [Ativan], and I could hear the effect it had. From time to time Murderer of Blue Skies Lyrics as written by Chris Cornell. "There's a promise in there right away. So you built a cage for me. That person could have confirmed or denied seeing any over-intoxicated signs involving Chris. (Link Here: http://themetalden.com/?attachment_id=58492) But Martin Kirsten claims that he was able to kick through that lock all on his own, with his own physical strength. Then I think since Chris was the bigger cash-cow, she told him the baby was his. The music video for ZZ Top's "Velcro Fly" was choreographed by Paula Abdul. The Detroit PD and Wayne County ME were both at fault for the most ineffective investigation into the death of Chris. Its a sad state of affairs for sure. . But it seems that what YOU loved most was his money, workhorse . Long time, no talk. Why did Investigator Weaver ignore the obvious sign that a homicide took place that night, not a suicide? They refused saying that it wasnt my room, although I told them that he was my employer, and that I had a key. When asked what he did next, Martin wrote, I told Vicky that they wouldnt open the door and she told me to kick it open. - The Other Stories. They blew my voice out. I called for help, as I was sure he had taken something else by now. She could have demanded a second opinion from a different group of qualified professionals. Two other issues that have bothered me are 1)if Chris really wanted to kill himself, why would he call the body guard who called IT because he wanted to watch Apple tv? He also worked on that film Far Away Places (2018) that little Tony wrote a song for, the film directed by Tatiana Shanks whose Instagram looks like shes an IG model looking for buyers. Was that drink laced with Fioricet/butalbital by someone with ill-intentions? And that still doesnt explain all the injuries Chris had. Legal reasons make complete sense as to why Chriss brother Peter picked up his body rather than the Troll. I was asking (what drugs hed taken) so that I could advise for proper medical attention. Well, if what Martin states in the police report is correct, we know that Vicky and Chris were fighting that night, and that she asked Martin to check on Chris because she was angry he wouldnt answer her phone calls. I applaud you as you take a bow Again, thank you for your comment, and thank you very much for reading my work. Murderer of blue skies. You wrote down many things that I had in mind and I red a lot about this topic since it happend. Yes, the too many meds allegation is completely false. Also read that Christophers father is Jerry Cantrell, but I guess this is just a rumor. Why didnt Weaver question any hotel staff contacted that night by Vicky and Martin, or any hotel staff that were on the scene at some point that night? Do you really think he would have approved of their behaviour in this last year in his memoriam? (NOTE: See the note at the end of this post for a copy of the police report.) This was perfect. Why ignore or deny the elephant in the room? That doesnt make any sense. If I could be sent through the official police reports and any other reports thanks, Im very interested in finding out the truth. (See the screenshot of our conversation below.). I believe there was ample room in the bathroom in the suite to have emergency personnel work on him. Chris and his siblings changed from Boyle to Cornell after their parents divorced and they disassociated from their dad. (She had to get more camera ready for all the PR bs she was planningThats my one bias statement for this piece, and I firmly stand by what I say.). How did they know? (allegedly Vicky, allegedly Geffen). Ive revised a lot of what I wrote and people have been contacting me, even mentioning you and your two posts on Chris. https://me.me/i/john-podesta-is-now-suspected-in-the-murder-of-his-17522514, Thank you for your comment, Edward, and thank you for reading my work. An official Blue Alert was issued at 7:27 p.m. . Vickys mother posted a rant on Instagram this morning complaining about people saying that Toni is not Chris daughter. Murderer of blue skies I can't wait To never be with you again And I can't wait To lead a life that you're not in And I won't break Though I may bend From time to time I can't wait to never be with you again Now, the truth will set you free But all you had was lying in you So you built a cage for me All the while pretending to be Murderer Of Blue Skies Lyrics: You flew in on the wind Was a day that I won't forget Told me to let you in And that I would not regret it But you had a touch as cool as rain And only once the. On another note I wonder if bodyguard lifted Chris up to get elastic band off his neck and possibly dropped his body causing the splatter of blood that was screen or if his mouth was filled with blood if CPR could cause shots of blood to splatter about from compression ? invited his 1st wife to a ceremony they had and Vicky was not invited!!! It's been mentioned that discovery of these activities and much other deception led to the downfall of Chris Cornell. The U.N. is also the organization that, back in 2015, started working with producers to create a series of short films that include The Promise, documenting the Syrian refugee crisis, etc. So sly, drug addiction will condemn and cage your soul. Im so happy to hear that my work helped you understand more about the case and find some peace with it. Thank usuch a tragedy but I find an odd solace knowing he did not do this as I knew he never would. One example of Chriss anger is seen in Soundgardens Jacksonville, Florida concert from April 29, 2017. Murderer Of Blue Skies. She also has a bad habit of not paying people for work they have done for her, some of which have resulted in lawsuits against her: Brentwood law firm is suing her for legal fees she never paid after the firm won her and Chris $300k, and they claim that Vicky uses litigations to supplement her familys income; this is just one example of many unpaid services by Vicky Cornell that have resulted in law suits against her. Why didnt they look into that? Coroners ultimately ruled the singer's death suicide by hanging. (There is a lot of documented evidence online about Vickys tendency toward angry and emotional outbursts, and throwing things when angry.) And again, that head wound is blatantly obvious in video footage of that final concert (Link to final concert footage here: https://youtu.be/rejYKbCFcc4 This video was shot in high definition in AVCHD mode using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS30 using P mode in ISO 3200 exposure and 1/60 min shutter speed. Yes, in the case of the death of Chris Cornell, the Detroit PD claim that homicide was ruled out, but it was ruled out in a less than two hours. It has also added more questions. I dont. It has been a long hard year since Chriss passing, but I will continue to speak out for Chris Cornell. Moving on from the allegations, to the facts: I cannot stress the blood issue enough, which backs my above claim of a murder cover-up. Some people may argue that because he was taking the drug for so long that it built up in his system and led to his suicidal ideation, but that is also not backed up by science. Yes, I have also read many articles, similar to the one you share here, about Podesta the molester potentially being the one who molested Chester when he was a kid and potentially having some sort of connection to Chesters murder. Chris Cornell released his latest solo album, "Higher Truth," back on Sept. 18. If they have surveillance footage to show that detail, then they should also have the footage of Martin kicking in Chriss door. Martin said she sounded angry with Chris, not that she had voiced any kind of worry for Chris. This is completely false. Its super easy, we promise! The rock veteran sat down with another genre mastermind -- filmmaker/writer extraordinaire Cameron Crowe -- to discuss. Some of those billionaires include: The Clinton Foundation and the IRC (International Rescue Committee); Dr. Eric Esralian, producer of The Promise, AND he was also a close friend of Chris and Vickys and Chriss doctor at the time of his death, the one who prescribed Chriss medicationsthe Ativan that Vicky is blaming his alleged suicide on, AND Eric Esralian manages multiple companies alongside various Board of Directors members of the MGM International Resorts; Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, and he is also on the board of directors for the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) . Or so and then went on his way .I believe there was a picture of Chris along with this statement from the fan. If we then factor in the allegations that Geffen was/is involved in some sort of illegal actions that Chris allegedly found out about before his death and that he allegedly was going to reveal that information, then Geffen would fall into 4 out of 8 suspect categories, equal to both Vicky and Martin. I am not accusing anyone of anything; I am just showing that the list of suspects is much larger than at first appearance when looking at the case of the mysterious death of rock legend Chris Cornell. . And I can't wait And I just recently saw a claim by someone that says they play basketball with a couple of the Detroit PD that were at the scene, and this person says that Chris had the broken ribs BEFORE CPR was conducted, and that he had 2 gashes to the back of his head. Like Liked by 1 person. My email is reneeyoungdecamillis@gmail.com. Marelle Sturrock, 35, was 29 weeks pregnant when she was . Told me to let you in Also, in that Twitter conversation prior to my comment, Vicky twists the words of the medical examiner in Chriss case to make them fit her drug over-intoxication narrative. They could have paid his body guard to go far away , which south Africa is pretty far and his nondisclosure contracts probably an easy fall back if questioned further by investigators. Yes, thats one of her exes I was thinking about. Since his death I have been searching for answers on and off, explaining all of this in depth has really opened up my eyes to many things. What Martin is quoted to have said, about giving the pills to Chris immediately when they had arrived at Chriss hotel room, makes the most sense because Martin had no way of knowing that Chris was going to call him for anything after Martin left Chriss room the first time. Chris no doubt fell for her at the time because his mind had been rewired in rehab into thinking drastic change was a good thing . Vicky has been claiming for the past year that those two Ativan are what made Chris unknowingly take his own life. Geffen is still a person of interest whom the authorities must look into with this homicide investigation, an investigation that needs to be reopened and conducted by the book. The crime scene photos actually show two prescriptionsPrednisone and Omeprazole that were not found in his system but should have been. There is so much in that Detroit News article to analyze. The time reported implies that they were still on the phone together; if she called him at 12:15 AM and he went to Chriss room at that same exact time, then that means they were still on the phone together. It states, Trauma noted to back of skull. Producer Rupert Hine talks about crafting hits for Tina Turner, Howard Jones and The Fixx. . There was ample time for Martin to allegedly set the scene to appear like suicide and/or to allegedly get his story straight before anyone else arrived on the scene. More about those medications for people who are not aware of their effects: The therapeutic effect of butalbital: reduces anxiety. Crime scene death investigation is a huge interest of mine. The "promise" of funding for vulnerable children exploited abused or neglected has never come to pass. This is a wonderfully comprehensive representation of the flurry of factual evidence with regards to this case. The man is Gabriel Garkomay be his stage name. At this point, I must now bring in the results of Chriss toxicology report. (Thats part of the reason why Vicky hates Chriss mother so much. I can't wait to never be with you again. To lead a life that you're not in )Weaver wrote in the report that Vicky called Martin at 12:15/12:30 AM and told him that she had spoken to Chris at 11:35 and that he [Chris] had said to her that he was groggy and that he kept repeating, I am just tired and hung up the phone. Later in the report, Weaver adds in that Martin received Vickys call at 12:15 AM, though later in the report that time is listed as 12:30 AM. Explosive and yes the Troll is included in picture after picture of offenders. First thing I want to point out is that Weaver changed Martins statement about when the pills were given to Chris. Murderer of blue skies. And only once the weather changed We were young men at the time that we wrote this song [Beyond the Wheel], and at the time we didnt want to have our lives interrupted so that we could go out and maybe die [going off to war] to make more people more money. Just like I mentioned above, Martin somehow already knew that 911 and an ambulance needed to be called before he ever entered Chriss hotel bedroom and before he saw Chris in the bathroom. His best friend? David Geffen falls into 1 suspect category without questionwho stands to gain the most in the event of the victims death. Vicky Cornell - Murderer of Blue Skies lyrics. And the other assumptionthe one where people think Chris lost his battle with addiction and took his own lifeis also false. And that's not really romantic, but it's not really an empowering statement either. She blames the pills and not Chriss obvious depression. The red exercise band that was around Chriss neck would not have caused scratches, abrasions; it is made of smooth and stretchy rubber. Everyone close to Chris urged him to get a paternity test when he first found out Vicky was pregnant, but he refused. But their silence and their cooperation were bought, allegedly, at some point during this case. Martin goes on to state in the police report that, Upon entry [into Chriss hotel room], I found the bedroom door locked. Brilliant well researched and spoken. But benzodiazepines are not prescribed for pain management; they are used to treat anxiety and/or depression. Author LotsoHugginBear [a] 96. and our Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The reports are too long to include in this post.). And that I would not regret it Empaths are also drawn to narcissists and thidnwas the case here. Again, it clearly states in the police report that his [Chriss] face [was] covered in blood spatter and on the floor of the bathroom is a large drag mark of blood and there [was] blood spatter on the side of the bath tub. Also, Investigator Weaver wrote in the police report that Martin went to Chriss room at 12:15 to check on him, and the report also lists that the time that the first responder (the hotel EMT) arrived to Chriss room was 12:56 A.M. What was Martin doing during those forty-five minutes? Vicky admitted directly to me on Twitter on March 3, 2018 that she knew about Chriss head trauma, and she said that, Yes, it most certainly exacerbated all the symptoms. Makes total sense. Was Fioricet the 2 sleeping pills Martin had given to Chris after that last concert, rather than the Ativan? A rock icon, the voice of a generation, and a blazing force that will forever shine on, By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Can you send a translation? Did they not see if Chris had a grievance with someone before his death? Weaver said about Chris hanging up on her. She was the last person to spesk to him. . You flew in on the wind I had at one time thought that Chris had died an accidental death that had been staged as suicide, but that theory is hard to believe because it is hard to believe that the Detroit PD are so terrible at their jobs or so overwhelmed with their work load that they made all the oversights in this case that I have pointed out. To never be with you again From time to time The narrative of this case that has been publicized is that those two sleeping pills were actually Ativan; this is what Vicky states that Martin gave to Chris and it is what she claims Chris told her he had taken before speaking to her on the phone that nightthough that last detail is not in the police report; it is what Vicky has publicly stated on television appearances and in published articles and on social media posts she has made. ), and it was reported by the EMT of the ambulance that transported Chriss body. Did Martin allow anyone else into Chriss room that night? Again this speaks volumes about the shape of their relationship. Hi Renee! . That head wound that Chris had was also mentioned in the audio file of the police dispatch reporting what was found at the scene by the first responder. He was my biggest musical inspiration, and, for all he gave to me and for all he gave to the world, I will continue to stand up for him and be his voice. And one-handed CPR is a half-assed life-saving action. This was done to encourage more people to donate to their humanitarian causes (The IRC: International Rescue Committeeis one of many of these causes, and it is linked to many scandals.). And I won't break But Vicky got rid of all that potential evidence before any further investigation could take place, which means that her claim that she has been unhappy with the investigation ever since the beginning is another blatant lie. If nothing else, these bodily injuries and evidence of a struggle show that a thorough homicide investigation is how this case should have been handled, but, as I already stated above, suicide was declared in less than two hours. Keeping the promise apparently involved continuous holidays involving sunbathing and shopping at designer stores in Italy, Greece and other well to do hotspots . Here are the crime scene photos of the broken lock on Chriss hotel room door and the undamaged hinge and brace of that lock and the undamaged door frame of that same door. Neither Vicky nor Martin has enough money or enough power to get the PD to cover up such a crime. Those 4 abrasions found on Chriss neck were the sign of a struggle. Are we to believe that Inv. It is all over the internet that these people are allegedly involved in human-trafficking and pedophilia, etc. Now, before I go any further with the police report, I need to talk about the Ativan. The world lost an angel the day he passed away. I always listen to his music on a daily basis and will continue to in the future. Think about it; what spouse from a loving and committed relationship (as she has said numerous times that they had) wouldnt go view the body of their dead loved one for closure and then bring them back home for their final plans and their final resting place? All the while pretending to be It must also be noted that Chris, a month before his death, had not only visited a refugee camp in Athens, Greece, and he also had a tour of the U.N., which obviously involves some of these billionaires he speaks of in that concert footage. It has been stated by many people that Chris and Vicky were fighting on the last night of his life and in the days leading up to it, he hung up the phone on her that last night, he would not answer her phone calls after he hung up on her, and Chris was obviously pissed off during his final concert. Many people have profited in big ways off from Chriss death. To never be with you again They had no way of knowing that 911 or an ambulance were neededunless Martin and Vicky somehow already knew what had happened to him. If we add in the allegations involved in this case (i.e. i am trying to figure out though what he meant when he says "i wont break the limb they bend" i dont understand that one part - before i looked at the lyrics i always thought it said i wont break but i may bend, lyrics seem good i think first line refrain 'murderer' not murder but ya MAY actually be right there idk -- Its in the toxicology report that all levels were in therapeutic range. Greed is destructive in a relatiinship. Weaver is that bad at his job that he overlooked getting that statement? 2011-2023 Lyrics.az - Free Lyrics from A to Z. Im in my forties and just an average normal person, who got into Soundgarden in the early 90s, just like you. Considering the potential for foul play and looking at the primary suspects list in the homicide investigation of Chris Cornells death, Vicky is automatically in 2 out of 8 categories of suspects. Talk soon. I submitted my thesis paper for a criminal justice class earlier this year that covered much of the same information. I really enjoyed your article. Its strange that so many people just dont wanna see the obvious facts just because I dont know, I guess its easier to believe all BS than to start thinkin and questioning statements. That person could have commented a lot about the state of affairs in room 1136 of the MGM that night, but that person was never questioned. ago on Youtube? To never be with you again I will tell you whybecause allegedly their silence was bought. This is the case with Vicky Cornell; she has told more than one lie, which now discredits everything she says and does. Plz dont let this fall to the way side plz, I hear you and I feel the same way. Straight out of rehab, marriage falling apart under the stress , advised by his negligent counsellors at Promises rehab to not return to Seattle where he would be triggered into using again , he was a prime target for her when he arrived at the Audioslave after-party on that equally tragic ""starry night in Paris" where Vicky the gold digging fame whore was waiting to pounce . This shows that Chris had indeed hung up on her that night, though she now denies that ever happened. Kudos to a well written considered blog. Privacy Policy. And I can't wait It is important to note that with the release of the music video for Chriss song The Promise, for the movie of the same name, (which coincidentally was released, per Chriss request, on April 20, 2017World Refugee Dayone month and two days after his death) was set by Chris to have all proceeds go to the IRC. Again, the two medications do look alike. And I cant wait Here are three articles linking David Geffen to (1) accusations of trying to have someone killed, (2) working with and financially backing businesses run by pedophiles in Hollywood, (3) attending Hollywood parties where sexual abuse of minors had taken place, and (4) an actor feared for his safety to mention in a court of law his relationship with David Geffen: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ellievhall/found-the-elusive-man-at-the-heart-of-the-hollywood-sex-abus?utm_term=.sr71E6Jbp#.tl3m0Rx6M & http://www.indiewire.com/2017/10/hollywoods-underage-sexual-abuse-problem-5-shocking-injustices-from-an-open-secret-1201891024/ & http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/david-geffen-porn-star-pal-feared-billionaire-article-1.2286791 . If nothing else, what I set out to do with this blog is to convince more people that Chris Cornell did not die by his own hands. A 1.0 mg dose of Fioricet peaks blood levels of butalibal to 2.1 mcg/ml, which means that Chris had at least two doses of the drug in his system at the time of his death. My question is this: what would it take for a private investigation to be funded by us, the fans? Yes, there is a chance that he could have done what the reports state he did, but the rest of the holes in the case make this question even bigger within the big picture. I can't wait And I won't break Did Chris take Fioricet knowingly? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Though I may bend It appears as though she is trying to take herself out of the equation when it comes to how Chris wound up with that injury. The official reports also state that no suicide note was found at the scene. Thank you for replying to my comment and again my deepest respect for your research. I never had a chance to meet him, but he helped me so much through his music and words. At first glance, Geffen is the one raking in the most cash after the death of not only Chris Cornell, but also the death of Chester Bennington, the former singer of Linkin Park; Chesters widow, Talinda Bennington, is now hooked up with and promoting a psychiatric facility that is owned by Geffen, which rakes in even more money for Geffen. Did Chris hate Vicky when he died? And the people who do not bury their heads in the sand are discredited with the title conspiracy theorist. If the ME meant that the drugs were not the mechanical cause of death then that is how he would have written it in the report. . These abrasions, or scratches, suggest that Chris had tried to stop the asphyxiation, which again points to a case of foul play, homicidal hanging with a potential throttling, rather than suicide. (BTW: Its Taylor Momsen who the rumors are about, and she isnt much older than his youngest daughter, Lily. Loud Love! I do not know. Chriss words and music have meant so much to me for so long Now that hes gone, it doesnt just make me sadit makes me furious! Do you know about that dude? A homicide investigator cannot take only two statements, and then take them as the absolute truth without verifying those statements with some sort of investigation into what those witnesses said. Literally says she murdered the blue sky Never really knew my mind, written by cash, but the words I know You feel the way i changed but you can't change the way I feel. Martin says that he was on the phone with Vicky during this time, giving her updates. Whether they were bought before or after Chriss death is yet to be determined. If she had truly been unhappy with the investigation right from the beginning, she never would have had Chris cremated and she would have demanded that a more thorough investigation take place.
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