From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 6, including position 6. You can use the Okta Expression Language (EL) to add a custom expression to an authentication policy. Note: Okta supports the use of the time zone IDs and aliases listed in the Time Zone Codes table. The actions in these cases are group assignments. Also, how are you going to use it and are all users going to have the same value? or, user.isMemberOf({'': {'00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3', '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}}). Finally, don't forget to check out the documentation of your particular regex dialect before you dive into constructing regex strings! Note: These expressions don't work for SAML 2.0 apps. user.profile.managerId : "", (user.isMemberOf({'': '00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3'}) && user.isMemberOf({'': '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'})) ? If that employee was not in Workday, or did not have a domain in their email then find that user's manager's email and set it to have a domain. Obtains the value of the device profile's registered attribute. These values are converted into arrays. From the result, retrieve 1 character starting at the beginning of the string. See Integrate with Endpoint Detection and Response solutions However, the simple set of operators above serves well for most security purposes. EL variables enable advanced customization and, when used in place of hard-coded URLs, can prevent potential broken links.,,, Expression Language attributes for devices, Add a custom expression to an authentication policy, Okta Expression Language information for developers, Create an endpoint security integration authentication policy, Allow or deny custom clients in Office 365 sign on policy. Check if the user has a Workday assignment, and if so, return their Workday employee ID. Before we dive into the basics of regex syntax, please note that regex has many different versions. Obtain and append the Lastname value. We were told that every user in Workday had a manager assigned to them in Workday. The primary use of these expressions is profile mappings and group rules. character. So what can we do with regex? The time zone ID supports both new and old style formats, listed previously. Here are some examples: Note: Explicit references to apps aren't supported for custom OAuth 2.0/OIDC claims. For ID tokens, in the second dropdown choose Always or Userinfo/id_token request. Created a test value as an integer, and am still getting the same issue. Expressions used outside of the application policies on Identity Engine orgs should continue using the features and syntax of the legacy Okta Expression Language. And if a programmer can cut a corner and save some time, you can bet your bottom dollar, they will take that shortcut. For example: I want to add an attribute to IDPs called idp_type, so that I can add types to different IDPs that I can use in my business logic. If the attributes are filled out within AD and are being synced to Okta, we should be able to use the examples listed above to push data to other applications such as Office 365, this can be checked using the Profile Editor under Mapping from Okta to Office 365. Within the Okta to Office 365 tab, you would locate the attributes (title and department) and enter the correct syntax listed in the table above. I see that I can define a custom attribute for an IDP in the profile section, however I dont see where I can define a default value for this custom attribute. Static claims: I have been experimenting on creating custom claims on our JWTs from Okta. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. For example, the following condition requires that devices be registered, managed, and have secure hardware: For example, you can use regex to create rules to block requests to certain file types. For example, YARA is a tool that identifies malware by creating descriptions that look for certain characteristics. Example: getFilteredGroups({"00gml2xHE3RYRx7cM0g3"}, "", 40) ). Obtain Firstname value, append a "." Gets the manager's app user attribute values for the app user of any appinstance. If that employee was not in Workday or did not have a domain in their email, then find that user's manager's email and set it to have a domain. Youll need to reference the Variable Name to get the output to show. All Okta users have their own application user profiles for each of their assigned applications. Select the application which requires the new dynamic attribute. For example, for user A, if condition P is true, then assign reviewer B. It does not check whether there are tokens on the secure hardware. Obtains the value of the device profile's Trusted Platform Module (TPM) public key hash attribute. Learning and mastering regex thus becomes one of the most powerful skills that you can possess as a security professional. Expressions for dynamic attributes must be added by typing the expressing into the Field field and then hitting enter. Follow. You can use this language throughout the Okta Admin Console and API for the Okta Classic Engine and Okta Identity Engine. Different software and regex engines will often have their own specificities, and it's best to check the official documentation pages for a full reference of the regex version that you are using. In addition, to assign the Fallback Reviewer for users who arent in the group, use: user.isMemberOf({'': 'West Coast Users'}) ? Otherwise, assign the Fallback reviewer. Select Directory > Profile Editor. Learn how to use the Okta Expression Language to remove spaces or special characters from a mapped attribute in Okta.For more information, visit this page . Checks whether the user has an Active Directory assignment and returns a boolean, Checks whether the user has a Workday assignment and returns a boolean, Finds the Active Directory App user object and returns that object or null if the user has more than one or no Active Directory assignments, Finds the Workday App user object and returns that object or null if the user has more than one or no Active Directory assignments, String.stringContains(user.firstName, "dummy"), user.salary > 1000000 AND !user.isContractor. To find a full list of Okta User and App User attributes and their variable names, in the Admin Console go to People > Profile Editor. Canada/East-Saskatchewan, Canada/Saskatchewan, America/Fort_Wayne, America/Indianapolis US/East-Indiana, America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia, America/Catamarca, Etc/GMT+0, Etc/GMT-0, Etc/GMT0, Etc/Greenwich, GMT, GMT+0, GMT-0, GMT0, Greenwich, Europe/Belfast, Europe/Guernsey, Europe/Isle_of_Man, Europe/Jersey, GB, GB-Eire, Europe/Ljubljana, Europe/Podgorica, Europe/Sarajevo, Europe/Skopje, Europe/Zagreb, Australia/ACT, Australia/Canberra, Australia/NSW, Be sure to pass the correct App name for the. Obtain and append the Lastname value. For a list of core User Profile attributes, see Default Profile properties. Obtain the Lastname value. Start with simple expressions and gradually add in conditions to make sure that your expression works as expected. Obtain Email value. There are several rules for specifying the condition. To obtain these templates, contact Okta Support. Use any value stored on a users profile and group to restrict the scope of a campaign. ISO 8601 timestamp time converted to format using the same. Assumptions From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 1, including position 1. Restrict a campaign to members of a certain group. Important Note: You can view a list of attributes by navigating to: Directories > Profile Editor > Directories > Active Directory. 2023 | Iron Cove Solutions| Privacy | Simplifying Cloud-Based Intention, You are the Okta Admin with sufficient permission to manage/edit fields within the Profile Editor section of Okta, Your organization has purchased the Universal Directory license. Application User Profiles store application-specific information about Users, such as the application userName or user role. user.profile.department == "Finance Department", For partial matches, use: And it should be noted that you will see the ternary operator used in most programming languages used today. The format for conditional expressions is: [Condition] ? ID token claims are dynamic. Note: For the following expression examples, assume that the following properties exist in Okta and that the User has the associated values. So far the only way I can think to do this is to have my own database to store IDP-specific custom data. Once that is completed, you can use the following syntax to call attributes stored in AD. User attributes used in expressions can contain only available User or AppUser attributes. Use a combination of user profile attributes and groups to define complex expressions to include the following users: Use Okta Expression Language to customize the reviewer for each user. If a user's email was, and he was found in Workday and his manager was, Jane's email would be updated to Obtains the value of the device profile's unique device ID (UDID) attribute. user.isMemberOf({'': '00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3'}) || user.isMemberOf({'': '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}) Include users with Active status for campaigns. [Value if TRUE] : [Value if FALSE], If the middle initial isn't empty, include it as part of the full name using just the first character and appending a period. If the middle initial isn't empty, include it as part of the full name, using just the first character and appending a period. Note: The Groups.contains, Groups.startsWith, and Groups.endsWith group functions are designed to work only with group claims. Static Domain + Email Prefix with Separator. Obtain Firstname value. To test the full authentication flow that returns an ID token, build your request URL. Check if the user has an Active Directory assignment, and if so, return their Active Directory manager UPN. When you create an Okta expression, you can reference any attribute that lives on an Okta User Profile or Application User Profile. The app can then use that information to limit access to certain app-specific behaviors and calculate the risk profile for the signed-in user. Gets the manager's Okta user attribute values. Expressions within attribute definitions let you construct wholly new values before they are added to headers or cookies.Okta supports a subset of Spring Expression Language (SpEL) functions. We are trying to tie some custom metadata to IDPs in Okta. Note: The toInteger functions round the passed numeric value (or the String representation of the numeric value) either up or down to the nearest integer. The highlighted portions are constants, meaning that the regex will match the highlighted strings literally. Group rules don't usually specify an ELSE component. Include in: Specify whether the claim is valid for any scope, or select the scopes for which its valid. By default, the authorization server doesnt include them in the ID token when requested with an access token or authorization code. Less typing. You can then access the properties of that user. *] wildcard to match starts with). Use versionGreaterThan or versionLessThan functions to compare the OS versions. When we use the user.department syntax, the output displayed is Null. Disable claim: Check this option to temporarily disable the claim for testing or debugging. Note: When EL group functions (such as isMemberOfGroup or isMemberOfGroupName) are used for app assignments, app user profile attributes arent updated or reapplied when the users group membership changes. Obtain Email value. See Include app-specific information in a custom claim. To force the Authorization server to always put a claim into the ID token, select Always for Include in token type. Group rule conditions only allow String, Arrays, and user expressions. Note: Both input parameters are optional for the function. Then use an inline hook to call to a web service that looks up the custom data based off of idp_id and attaches it to the JWT. screenshot, the variable name for First Name is firstName. Ensure that your expression evaluates to a boolean when defining users: Do the following tasks when you define reviewers: Ensure that your expression evaluates to either the user ID or the username of a single. @abole we are still figuring out our user registration/onboard flow. Expressions cannot be cut and pasted into this field. Some templates listed may not appear in your org. : (user.profile.middleInitial.substring(0, 1) + ". ")) Don't use them to retrieve an app user's group memberships. (macOS, Windows). Reference application and organization properties, Expressions for OAuth 2.0/OIDC custom claims. For example, you might use a custom expression to create a username by stripping from an email address. We then write our if/else and say if age is greater than the number 16, we will assign the canDrive to a string value of yes else we will assign it to a string value of no. Group functions return either an array of groups or True or False. Gets the assistant's app user attribute values for the app user of any appinstance. We have another variable canDrive and we don't assign it a value yet. Session properties allow you to configure Okta to pass dynamic authentication context to SAML apps through the assertion using custom SAML attributes. For a complete guide to regex syntax, read RexEgg's cheat sheet. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 1, including position 1. The only way I can think to do this is to build my own service to hold custom data for an IDP, and add it onto a users JWT with inline hooks. Okta Expressions - IF/Than/Else - Populating Mobile Number into Active Directory from Workday Hi all, I'm new to Okta's expression language and I'm trying to work out an issue I'm having with a new project initiative involving automating signatures via Mimecast (mail going out) and Office 365 (internal mail only). The Okta User Profile is the central source of truth for the core attributes of a User. In the preview section, select an appropriate user and click, Copy the finished expression for use in the. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. You can think of regex as consisting of two different parts: constants and operators. PASSCODE Only a passcode or password is set on the device. To include an app Profile label, use the following expression: app.profile.label. Note: The isMemberOfGroupName, isMemberOfGroup, isMemberOfAnyGroup, isMemberOfGroupNameStartsWith, isMemberOfGroupNameContains, isMemberOfGroupNameRegex group functions are designed to retrieve only an Okta user's group memberships.,,, String.toUpperCase(user.firstName + " " + user.lastName), String.toUpperCase(user.firstName+"_"+user.lastName). Meaning that if you try to reference firstname youll receive an error message along the lines of Invalid property firstname in expression. As seen in the To catch user attributes that are null or blank, use the following valid conditional expression: user.employeeNumber != "" AND user.employeeNumber != null ? To keep this default, select Userinfo/id_token request for Include in token type. Testing computed attributes is most easily done using the Access Gateway sample header application. Below is the same code fragment above converted into a ternary operator. Some attributes; such as, device.profile.imei, device.profile.meid, device.profile.serialNumber, device.profile.udid, are not available for all devices. The function determines the input type and returns the output in the format specified by the function name. [Value if TRUE] : [Value if FALSE]. To build solid regex skills, follow these amazing regex tutorials.