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Apply for our 35,000 BTF Research Award to support thyroid research, Learn more about when thyroid surgery might be offered, what is involves, outcomes and possible complications, Read our resources to help teenagers and young people better understand and manage their thyroid condition, Information about rare thyroid disorders including resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH), Riedel's thyroiditis, TSHoma and MCT8 deficiency, Find resources to support people with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) including Graves' disease, Find resources on the management of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) including easy read information, Find resources for patients affected by thyroid eye disease (Graves' orbitopathy), Learn about thyroid nodules and swellings in thyroid patients and their diagnosis and treatment options, Living with thyroid cancer? 1984;4(3):159-164. View abstract. Ann Surg 1993;218(2):206-210. Di Fang Bing Tong Xun (Chinese) 1993;8(3):35-38. View abstract. Eskin, B. 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