Access training modules and additional resources here. You achieve your Award by being consistently active; working towards your goals for the set duration of weeks. If these dates are incorrect please amend them. Completed at the Gold Level, the Gold Project provides a Participant the opportunity to learn how to work with people of different backgrounds, develop skills and build confidence living in new environments. Please describe the achievements of the participant as they undertook this section. They should consist of a group of peers in your age range who commit to participating in a trip that meets the requirements of the Adventurous Journey. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. We recently (virtually) sat down with Award alumni Briony Benjamin, global storyteller and author of the recently released book, Life if Tough But So Are You. Founded in 1956 by His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, today over 130 countries and territories have adopted the Duke of Edinburghs International Award program and more than one million young people are actively participating in the Award. The Duke of Edinburghs International Award USA Become connected to and actively engaged within their immediate community. An Assessor is an adult who mentors and guides Award participants throughout their chosen activities. All Adventurous Journey are done with a team of peers. Hampshire Outdoors will provide tents, [] At the end of each of your sections you will need an assessor to complete a report about your activity. Assessors should have experience in the activity you have chosen and offer support and guidance throughout the time you are doing your activity. TRANSCRIPT Quality of Drinking WaterDuke of Edinburgh Gold AwardExpedition Presentation Joanne Hay, Magnus Judge, William McFarlane and Andrew Thomson Page 1 ContentsIntroduction 3 The Team 3Practice Expeditions 5 Biggar 5 Campsies 5 Glen Feshie 7Planning the Expedition 9 Read a sample report, submitted by an assessor, Copyright The Scout Association 2023. Participants who are unsure of who to ask to be their Assessor are encouraged to reach out to their networks to see if anyone they know can connect them to someone who would be suitable. Ive got evidence I want to save, can I save it in the Online Record Book? The Duke's five week tour of the island from March 30 to May 6, 1870 were marked by levees hosted by the Governor in Colombo, receptions by the British planters in Kandy, the reception by the De Soysa family in Colombo, and several excursions into the jungles of the country for elephant and elk shooting. Develop yourself as a personality, discover what is in you and strengthen your skills at the same time this and much more is what the Duke is all about. Award USA offers participants need-based financial assistance for their registration fee and activity costs, including the Adventurous Journey and Gold Project. Encouraging healthy behavior has benefits, not only for Participants but also for their communities, whether through improved health, or active participation in team activities. Say how they met their goals, what skill they have developed and mention any memorable things that they accomplished. If you would like to customise your choices, click 'Manage privacy settings'. Was at least 50% of their planned activity spent travelling? Click here to complete the application. Welcome to Queenswood's Duke of Edinburgh Award. authenticate users, apply security measures, and prevent spam and abuse, and, display personalised ads and content based on interest profiles, measure the effectiveness of personalised ads and content, and, develop and improve our products and services. The Physical Recreation Section encourages participation in sport and other physical activitiy for the improvement of health, wellbeing and fitness. Participants will then have the responsibility to schedule a meeting when they would like one, as well as to initiate contact with their Award Leader for as-needed support. More information can be found at: award/the-award. Take a look at the report template in the Adventurous Journey section above to get started. Therefore, all virtual participants will do Independent Adventurous Journeys, which can include trips offered by providers that they find and sign up with independently. On completion of the Qualifying Journey, the group is required to deliver a report to their. Chicago, IL 60604, Averaging at least one hour per week each. If a participant travels to a country where the Award is also offered, they may do their AJ through a Registered Activity Provider in that country. Award Leaders determine if the proposed Assessor is suitable for the participants chosen activity. If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. Welcome to the Participant Resource Portal. The Adventurous Journey Section encourages a sense of adventure while undertaking a team journey or expedition. The Duke Of Edinburgh's Award was founded in the UK by Prince Phillip at the instigation of his former headmaster Kurt Hahn. Plus an extra 3 months in one of either Service, Skills, or Physical Recreation sections as the Major section. Welcome to the Participant Resource Portal. All Open Award Center participants are invited to join a Google Classroom where participants can share information about their AJ plans and connect with others that may want to join. You will work on your Award activities in your community, put together your own Independent AJ, and find opportunities for the Gold Project at the Gold level. We hope it will inspire you to push your comfort zone! A PwC publication prepared for The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation in 2020 and published in March 2022. As an Assessor you can add your report directly into the participants online eDofE account here. Volunteer Code of Conduct. If the report is sent to the participant, they would need to copy the email and enter it into eDofE as a text file and mark it as an Assessor's . For more . You can also download our Participant App to access the Online Record Book anytime, anywhere. The Service Section encourages young people to volunteer their time to understand the benefits of service to their community. The Award is always looking for additional partners to expand access to the program. Published by The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation, March 2019. What did they achieve, what skills did they learn? Its not acceptable to simply say 'He/she completed the section': assessors need to write several short paragraphs. The Gold Project is a capstone Award experience only required at the Gold level. The flexible and inclusive framework means it can be completed by anyone. We do not currently have active Registered Activity Provider partners in the United States. You can access information and resources to support you while working on your Award here. An Assessor might directly teach or supervise a participant in their activity, and can also be someone a participant goes to for guidance and to ask questions even if they are not directly involved in the activity. This Section specifically aims to improve the health, team skills, self-esteem and confidence of Participants. All Assessors must be knowledgeable and experienced in a participants chosen activity so they can offer appropriate guidance. Here you will find resources to assist you with planning and completing your Award across the various Levels and Sections. Participation Report Chris reported back with the following: Course Title Numbers Required Cost per . If you fully completed a level of the Award outside of the Open Award Center and are hoping to complete the next one now, you may register through the Online Record Book per the instructions in the Participant Handbook. It is a way to introduce yourself and your work to . She created the book to help other people who have had a massive setback . Improve your football, rock climbing or dance skills or try a completely new sport or . Your comments automatically go to the participants DofE Leader for approval before being added to the participants account. At the end of the report, it might be a nice time to reflect on the young person's next steps: perhaps suggesting that they progress to the next level of their DofE or Scout award. The Prince considered the idea of a national programme to support young people's development, and it has since helped to transform the lives of millions of young people in the UK and across the globe since its launch in 1956. . 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1742 Published by The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation, September 2019. Open and frequent dialogue with your Award Leader will help ensure there are no barriers to accessing and completing the Award. The Award is non-competitive and encourages young people to set and achieve goals appropriate to their abilities and potential. They could be a teacher, coach, counsellor, neighbour, leader, family friend etc. The Award encourages young people to spend time volunteering in their community, which both benefits others and contributes to their own growth and well-being. For example, some virtual participants have completed Adventurous Journeys through approved organizations in Canada and the UK. Please read our Privacy Statement for information on how your personal information is secured. These resources will be updated regularly, be sure to check in for the most up-to-date materials. Feel free to get creative! You will include their name and email address in the Online Record Book so that they will receive a link to complete their report when you finish your hours. She says that anyone who is considering becoming an Award Leader should just do it! . This report summarizes survey results of over 12,000 individuals across 150+ countries and territories on the challenges and opportunities facing young people today. You can access information and resources to support you while working on your Award here. Queenswood School is proud to offer the Bronze, Silver and Gold Award to pupils in Year 9 to Year 13. These are the ten requirements for an Adventurous Journey. Mini tutorials on everything from registering for the ORB to finalizing your Award. This handbook provides all participants an overview of the Award program and requirements, how to select activities, and how to register in the Online Record Book. The Duke of Edinburghs International Award is a global award that allows young people to determine what they are passionate about, regardless of their background, culture or access to resources. Volunteering Section of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is about making a difference to other people's lives & using skills to help the local community Our adventures take us to the Chiltern Hills, the Peak District, the Wye Valley, the Scottish Highlands, the Welsh mountains and overseas. All Assessors are selected by the participant and must be approved by their Award Leader. My Assessor needs to sign off my logged activities, how can they do this? Thank you for supporting young people with their activities. Nesha Hutchinson has been recognised as one of a select group of people worldwide to be congratulated for their outstanding support to young people through The Duke of Edinburghs International Award Australia. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - Canada 2023. List of action items for all Silver participants to complete their Award. Charity numbers: 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland). How to submit an Assessor's Report via the Assessor's Report portal; Writing Assessor Reports - Skills section; Writing Assessor Reports - Volunteering section; Writing Assessor Reports - Residential section; Writing Assessor Reports - Physical section; Writing Assessor Reports - Expedition section; Different ways to submit an . Please reach out to your Award Leader if you have any questions. The Duke Edinburghs International Award is an internationally recognized program for young people, building their skills to equip them for life and work. List of action items for all Gold participants to complete their Award. This document outlines the outcomes and benefits for both AJ teams and individual participants. This report presents the global results of the participant satisfaction survey run between May 2017 and September 2018. Overview and examples of how the Online Record Book counts participants' hours spent working on each Award section. All of these can then be linked to the young persons eDofE account and uploaded by the young person, assessor or leader. The young person must have entered their section details in eDofE before you can submit your report. If you are unsure of who can be your assessor for an activity, your . Your chosen Skill activity should be passive in nature rather than physically active. Please include the start and end dates between which the young person undertook their activity. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is a self-development program open to all young people between the ages of 14 and 25. Example assessors are coaches, instructors, volunteer supervisors, teachers, family friends, and community members. For the Skills, Physical Recreation and Voluntary Service sections of the Award, you must undertake regular activity over a set period of time. All Rights Reserved. As an Assessor you can add your report directly into the participant's online eDofE account here. The report may be completed on an individual or group basis. Success in the Award is measured by regular participation over a fixed period of time while showing commitment and progress in each activity. I am continually searching for opportunities that will encourage me to overcome and exceed my experience and give me the chance to demonstrate that I have the right characteristics and abilities.<br><br>I use my integrity, which I understand as the integration of outward actions and inner values, to gain trust of people.<br><br>I use my dedication to inspire as a leader by example, doing . You may use this Assessor Introduction to the Award. Member of the SPD parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives and Spokeswoman for Educational Policy - Patron of the Strong Teens Project in Berlin-Mitte, Director of the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills from 2006-2014, Headmaster of Schule am Schillerpark, Berlin, Teacher Education in Berlin, Teacher and Head of Mathematics at Ernst-Schering-Schule, Berlin, Teacher at Schule am Schillerpark, Berlin. Registered address: The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, England E4 7QW Website Terms and Conditions, Data Protection, Cookie Policy and Site Map Last build at 10:04:00 AM on 20.03.2023, POR (Policy, Organisation and Rules) and other key policies, Remembering the past, embracing the future, Have knowledge in the area they're assessing, Be officially accredited, if they're assessing expeditions, Be impartial (for example, young people's family members can't assess their awards for them), Completing the official DofE keeping track booklet, Keeping a simple written or phone-logged piece of evidence. The Prince considered the idea of a national programme to support young . This document can be shared with Assessors to provide them information about the Award program and the role of an Assessor. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is the world's leading youth achievement award, equipping young people for life. The book is all about how to rise to the challenge when things go pear-shaped (or C-shaped, as they did for her). This report . Find out everything you need up perceive to feel confident the the evidence they submit will can approved without a hiccup. Participants choose a unique project in a residential setting that does not include their everyday peer group. This can only be utilized once per level. They will meet with you on video calls or by phone to help you select activities, set goals, and make continued progress toward completing your Award level. As part of your registration process, Award USA will match you with an Award Leader who is a staff member of our organization. The Adventurous Journey sparks exploration and drives a sense of adventure, as small teams plan, train and undertake a journey through an unfamiliar environment. Often, an Assessor is someone a participant already knows a teacher at or outside of school, a volunteer coordinator, a trainer or coach, a community member, or a family friend. Wenn Sie die Nutzung unserer Seite fortsetzen, ohne die Einstellungen zu ndern, stimmen Sie unserer Verwendung von Cookies zu. the start of their Qualifying Journey. Learn more about what your community needs and give back. They must be an adult who is knowledgeable and experienced in the chosen activity, and cannot be an immediate family member. The Duke of Edinburghs International Award USA It is an opportunity to broaden outlooks and get outside comfort zones. Hampshire DofE Gold Challenge Expedition Open to ages 16 to 24 Dates: Monday 21 October - Friday 27 October 2023 Price: 340 (includes camping) - DofE Expedition Kit List and Itinerary: The DofE Expedition Kit List is your essential checklist when preparing the kit you need for your DofE expedition. There, they can find information on our current partners, the benefits of integrating the Award framework into existing organizations, and the process to become an Award partner. Mentorship is a key aspect of the Assessors role in the Award. General Resources - please check below for State and Territory specific forms. The Adventurous Journey report is your post journey reflection, it can be in the form of an essay, a presentation, video, or other medium. Averaging at least one hour per week each. Did the participants meet for the first time? The chosen activity must be physically challenging or demanding for you. What progress did they make towards their goals? Providing the opportunity for a Participant to either improve on an existing skill or to try something new, the Skills Section requires a commitment over time to progress a skill. Provides a framework that works with all young people including those at risk, marginalized, in regional and remote communities, and with disabilities. The Residential Project offers Gold Award Participants unique experiences that truly broaden horizons and challenge their outlook. This is called an Assessor's Report. After choosing an activity dont forget you will need to find an adult Assessor and set a SMART goal for each activity. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - Canada 2023. For your AJ team members, if they would like to register for the Award too and count your trip together for their AJ section, they are more than welcome to! Yes! The Adventurous Journey (AJ) section of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award encourages young people to work as a team and develop an appreciation of and respect for the outdoors, while also undergoing physical and mental challenges to complete the task at hand. Focuses on capacity building by encouraging all young people to make independent decisions and to negotiate priorities through participation. In computing, a 3-2-1 backup solution is a data backup plan that calls for three copies of data, two of which are stored on different , Okra is a popular vegetable in the Southern United States. What is the role of an Assessor? Bring the opportunity to your Award Leader for their feedback as an Independent Adventurous Journey, and then submit an application for approval. The Skills Section encourages the development of personal interests and practical and social skills. Welcome to the Duke of Ed Participant resources page. Award Leaders can monitor progress behind the scenes, and help if required. The Adventurous Journey section of the Participant Handbook takes you through the steps of choosing the best AJ option for you. The Award program is often delivered by schools, universities, and other youth-serving organizations. Family members do not qualify as Assessors. Click here to access them. will include their name and email address in the Online Record Book so that they will receive a link to complete their report when you finish your hours. 677 0 obj >stream For 60 years now the Duke of Edinburgh's Award has been available to young people aged 14 to 25. Just as no two young people are the same, no two Award journeys are the same! Supervisor Roles & Responsibilities. What were the evening activities and were they spent with the group? Moray Duke of Edinburgh's Award Committee Minutes of Meeting Date, Time and Venue: . We encourage anyone interested in starting the Award within their community to visit our page for providers. Chicago, IL 60604, Safeguarding Policy and Volunteer Code of Conduct, Online Record Book (ORB) Registration Guide, Online Learning Hub (OLH) Registration Guide, Identifying and Measuring Success at Your Award Center, Ten Requirements for the Adventurous Journey, Adventurous Journey Outcomes and Benefits, Participant Handbook, Second Edition (All Participants), Participant Handbook, Second Edition (Open Award Center), Reference on Professional Email Communication, 2018 Global Participant Satisfaction Survey Results, A Summary of Research to date into The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. As part of their award process, young people need to provide at least one piece of evidence to track their progress in each section of the award, which will then be examined by a DofE assessor before a decision's made. Participants are taken out of their comfort zone through journeying through in an unfamiliar environment but are suitably trained and supervised to remain safe and secure. Add an Assessor Report The Adventurous Journey can be an exploration or an expedition, but must be a challenge. Includes 12 Weeks of Content in Your U:Bee Dashboard, Free and Low Cost Ideas to Develop Your Skills, Bonus Study Material, Weekly Podcast, BUZZ Online Magazine, U:Bee Verifiable Completion Certificate and Assessor's Report 49.00 Enrol Now to Get Instant Access and Start Your Three Month Skills Section Course - Essential Cookery Click to Buy Now Published by The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation, 2019. Chicago, IL 60604. Handbook - The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Australia. Participants are responsible for finding their own assessors. Your Award Leader will check in with you by email regularly and offer times to meet. At Gold level, Participants also complete a Residential Project. We do not have any active Registered Activity Providers currently, so virtual participants will do an independent AJ with guidance from their Award Leaders on their options. A PwC publication prepared for The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation in 2020 and published in March 2022. . Chicago, IL 60604, additional application and submission of documentation, Safeguarding Policy and Volunteer Code of Conduct, We also encourage you to review the Adventurous Journey section of the Participant Handbook in particular, which outlines your options to complete this section. We ask for your email address and phone number to enable their DofE Leader to contact you should they wish to discuss your assessment with you and so we can send you a copy of the report you submit. This needs only be a few sentences explaining what you have been doing and . This document outlines measures of success for you to consider as you work to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your program, and potential strategies for improvement. Environmental & animal conservation projects, Organizing or participating in food drives, Organizing random acts of kindness in your community, Supporting or organizing a community service project, Supporting people and populations in need, Volunteering at a local food bank or shelter, Volunteering for a non-profit organization, Volunteering with a hospital, school, library, community centre or seniors home, Volunteering through religious or cultural centre, Attending a conference/forum as a youth representative. At the top of the screen, click on My Award Leader, and a pop-up will display your Award Leaders email address and phone number. Are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best The activity must be purposeful and not be considered as a holiday. This global impact report details the impact of non-formal education and learning in times of disruption. Download a summary of what to include in your report, and some. Discover your potential, engage and help to change our world! Founding Partner of Global Youth Mobilization: Wir verwenden Cookies, um Ihnen eine bestmgliche Nutzung unserer Seite zu ermglichen. Each card contains an activity (apply first aid or move the casualty into a tent for example), the participants have to place the cards into a sensible order that they would carry out the activity. On the Online Record Book, all logs are recorded in quarter, half and full hours. d. The report can be delivered in any form, as agreed by the group and their Assessor prior to. They will need to know your name, your eDofE number, the section and level they are assessing, the duration of the section (3 or 6 months) and the start and end dates. With the guidance of your Award Leader and our AJ resources, we will ensure that you embark on an Adventurous Journey that is feasible, meaningful, and fun! The Duke of Edinburghs International Award USA Meet Cristie, an Award Leader from Koo Wee Rup Secondary College in Victoria. Assessor's Report - The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Assessor's Reports As an Assessor you can add a report directly into the participant's online eDofE account from our Assessor's portal. AJ teams do not need to consist solely of Award participants. Averaging at least one hour per week each. Cristie loves the outdoors and watching her students challenge themselves. If the trip meets the requirements of the Adventurous Journey, yes. For example, I used to be more shy and now I am more open. Copyright 2023 The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Australia, The National 60th Anniversary AwardTrail. Has the assessor included their own accreditation number. Has the young person completed the section through their own initative (school activities don't count, for example)? The Award is available for all young people aged 14 to 24, regardless of their background, culture, physical ability, skills, and interests. Interview with Award Alumni Briony Benjamin. If you have any issues contact your Award Leader. The book is all about how to rise to the challenge when things go pear-shaped (or C-shaped, as they did for her). Have they confirmed how frequently the young person took part in these activities, and checked whether the dates match those logged via eDofE? Plus an extra 6 months in one of either Service, Skills, or Physical Recreation sections as the Major section if Bronze Award not previously completed. The Physical section of DofE. You may have 3 activities for Physical Recreation and Voluntary Service, just keep in mind that you will need an Assessor and an Assessors report for each activity. If you are unable to continue with your original skill, then you may switch to a new skill to finish out the remainder of your current Award level. explain some examples and options which are available to you. NOTE: Only register for the ORB if you have been designated an Award Coordinator or Award Leader within an organization licensed to deliver the Award. e. The report must include the involvement of all group members and should outline their Issue 27: 21.04.2023 Coming Up This Week Year 10 Prefect Applications: Deadline - Friday 28 April An opportunity for students wishing to make a valuable contribution to school life, represent our school and add to their CV by being a prefect. This form can be completed electronically via the Online Record Book (ORB). Note: If you have a problem with the CAPTCHA code, please use a different device/network/browser and this should solve the issue. The Duke of Edinburghs Award is a registered charity in England and Wales (1072490) and Scotland (SC038254). Criteria for achieving an Award is based on persistence and individual improvement. The Participant Handbook features additional information on how to choose an activity and provides examples.
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