The moon does indeed have a marking on its surface which looks (with a little imagination and squinting) like a hare. Get the latest History stories in your inbox? The obvious onea rabbit's foot is said to bring good luck to those who carry it, although one might argue that it's not so lucky for the rabbit. It was not uncommon to find them cooked and served in taverns and the like, such as at the Elfstone Tavern in Waterdeep. Backing up this view is the fascinatingly transnational phenomenon of the "three hare" symbol. The Star-Hoppers fended off the superior forces of the Cloud-Riders and defeated the Behemoth from the World Below, saving the village, after which Jaxxon returned to smuggling and his ship, the Rabbits Foot. Even within Europe, different societies used rabbits as an icon of fecundity and linked them to deities of reproduction. //
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